25 March 2017

Beyond the Valley Music Festival

By Incognitus-721 Views-No Comment

Incognitus was proud to plan and deliver another successful event for the Beyond the Valley promoters. This was our third year being involved with this amazing festival out at Lardner Park. After last year, there were several lessons learnt with the new site and we also were able to form some great working relationships with local contractors. The planning stage had some challenges however a positive outcome was reached after all the hard work and it proved to be a great benefit to the punters of the event.

The Incognitus Crew were based onsite from the beginning of December with a great extended crew on board including 5 of our US Bright Young Things. Working on the event certainly gave them a taste of the Australian festival culture and they were even able enjoy being out in the ‘country’ with some of the local wildlife. After a short break to enjoy the Christmas festivities we were back onsite putting on the final touches before we opened the gates.

All was going to plan until Day Two when the heavens decided to open up and put a dampener on the event. We had 54mm of rain in 10mins! Across the site punters we’re taking cover, while others embraced it and danced until their hearts were content. Last year we had extreme heat and this year it went to the other end of the spectrum …… what will 2017 bring? Snow? By the end of the night majority of the punters were slipping and sliding in the mud, having a ball and giving us a taste of what Glastonbury is like.

After the downpour on Day Two the weather turned to sunshine for the rest of the event, the site dried out and the local laundrette was slammed with people washing and drying their belongings from the day before.

The event was deemed a success at the post-event debriefs with contractors and the promoters. Improvements made from the previous event ultimately made for a better and smoother festival from an operational and customer experience side of things.

Now into planning for 2017!