25 March 2017

The tyranny of distance creates no barrier to crew Incognitus

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In order to continue operating on a global platform it is clear how functional and adaptable the Incognitus team have become!

Last week’s Monday morning “all in meeting” (AIM) involved key members of the Incognitus crew from around the world, to “break bread” and chew the fat on projects that are well and truly alive in anticipation for 2017.

Mel from NZ is working on Raggamuffin while Kasey from Richmond, New South Wales is the lead on our 2017 World Cup Polo project. In London, Paul’s news on our operational readiness project at LS185, as well as preparing for the upcoming Cheltenham Gold Cup, a tender project for Arsenal Football Club and design consultancy for Tottenham Football Club.

Darcie from the historic Abercrombie House in Bathurst in country New South Wales provided updates on our Ferrari Australasia activation, and calling in from Lake Tyers on Victoria’s east coast was Alysia, keeping us informed on the preparation of Groundswell Festival. Ivan and Greig are continuing to hold down the fort at Incognitus HQ in Melbourne.

It certainly proves that with the assistance of some simple technology and good people on the crew and healthy doses of ARA (accountability, responsibility and authority) all hand in hand, we can be deployed anywhere.