3 November 2020

Victoria Racing Club Implements Leading Disinfection Solution ahead of the Melbourne Cup 2020

By Incognitus-922 Views-No Comment

November 3, 2020

The Victoria Racing Club (VRC) is leading the way in a horse racing industry trial, implementing the traceable, efficient, and proven Veolia No-Touch™ Disinfection Solution.

Implemented via Incognitus, a long term provider and sponsor of the Club, The Victoria Racing Club will utilise Ultra-Violet (UV-C) technology through the Veolia No-Touch™ Disinfection Solution to undertake a disinfection of its Owners & Trainers areas, Jockey facilities and stewards room, ahead of the 2020 Melbourne Cup to be held at the venue on Tuesday November 3, 2020.

The solution will be applied on internal high-touch point areas within the Jockeys Lounge, change rooms and stewards’ room.

James Reid, Executive General Manager – Victoria Racing Club said, “Implementing the
Veolia No-Touch™ Disinfection Solution via our contracted venue presentation partner
Incognitus at our facility ahead of Melbourne Cup day will provide peace of
mind that the space has been disinfected using the latest technology, reducing the risk that
employees and visitors will come into contact with harmful pathogens.”

Clinically tested technology, the No-Touch™ Disinfection Solution uses UV-C
technology, proven to be effective against bacteria, mould and germs. The solution uses a
series of mobile devices to laser-map the space to be disinfected, identifies exposed
surfaces, and calculates the cycle-time needed to take effect on pathogens in minutes.
Environmentally friendly, the use of (UV-C) technology also eliminates the use of potentially
harmful chemicals.

Craig Lovett, Partner/Principal Incognitus said “Throughout our 34-year partnership in service at the VRC we have always looked outside the box for innovative solutions. Veolia once again has proven to be an excellent partner in our endeavours. Exploring technologies which deliver timely, safe, and compliant solutions means we are continuing to raise the bar for our clients.

Greg Brereton, Veolia’s National Events, Venues & Places of Gathering Specialist – Solid Waste also said of the solution, “As Incognitus’s waste management partner at the VRC, the extension of Veolia’s services to now offer high-tech disinfection and sanitisation solutions will be instrumental in providing a safer workplace for Owners and guests ”

How Does Veolia No-Touch™ Disinfection Work?

Veolia No-Touch™ Disinfection system uses the Surfacide Helios® Multiple Emitter UV-C Disinfection System – Ultraviolet room disinfection system (ARTG ID 331201) which emits UV-C energy to kill bacteria and other germs. Multiple emitters (anywhere from 1 to 5) are placed in a room and through a process of laser mapping; all high touch surfaces within the room are disinfected. The multiple emitters address the challenges of shadows, distance. Depending on the size of the room, the process can be completed in as little as 5 minutes.

The digital link takes the guesswork out of the process, providing a digital record that all high-risk touch points have been disinfected. A cloud-based portal provides real-time analytics to track the date and efficiency of disinfection. Emitters map and disinfect every surface in the room. Connected tablet performs range checks, monitors process, and confirms completion. A Customer Portal provides comprehensive performance data.